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Donate Now for Milan

Donations to the Milan Cultural Association help to preserve the best values of Indian culture and heritage and related matters important to the Indian community. Here “Milan” pursue to foster constructive relationships between the individuals and groups of different cultural backgrounds in order to build bridges of understanding, mutual interest and trust by o rganizing educational and cultural program, exhibiting Indian handicrafts , promoting social and community activities, sponsoring charitable events, coordinating literary publications, lectures, forums, discussion groups, discourses in art, dance, music, yoga, meditation, ethnic food, literature, history, and other contemporary topics of interest to the community.

Milan accepts donations through Paypal account.  Please use the form below to make your donation by credit card. The Form will take you to Paypal account. If you prefer to donate via personal check, please send a check payable to "Milan Cultural Inc."

Gift Information:

Our Tax ID # 06-1476775

$50 $100 $200 $500 $1000 Other Other Amount

Your Information:

Yes, I want to become a volunteer of Milan & receive regular updates

I attest that all of the information provided above is true. By signing this Form I authorize Milan Cultural Association to spend the money for cultural and charitable events

Copyright © Milan Cultural Association Inc. All Rights Reserved.